Health + Wellness

15 Triggers Of Occupational Asthma

occupational asthma

When most people hear about asthma, they’re likely to think about children. Though asthma is usually diagnosed before a certain age, adults can develop the condition if they’ve been exposed to specific triggers. These triggers can lead to what is known as occupational asthma.

15 Asthma Triggers In The Workplace

1. Animal Dander and Insects

Animal dander is the term for the flakes that most animals shed from their skin. Occasional exposure can irritate your allergies but being around it for prolonged periods may lead to the development of asthma. Where insects are concerned, many of them excrete chemicals or waste that are irritants. 

2. Chlorine-based Cleaning Products

Though chlorine is an effective cleaner, it can also irritate your respiratory system. It’s best to use them in a well-ventilated area but even then you can develop asthma from repeated use. 

3. Cigarette Smoke

The chemicals in cigarette smoke can damage your lungs. In this case, the issue might be a co-worker that’s smoking so you’ll be better off avoiding them. However, secondhand smoke can also be a problem so you may need PPEs if you work in a shared space. 

4. Cockroach Waste

Of all the insects, cockroaches can wreak the most havoc on the respiratory system. Their droppings and bodies can cause allergic reactions that evolve into asthma. 

5. Cold Air

While cold air can trigger asthma attacks, it can also lead to the development of the condition. It’s best to avoid direct air blowing in your face and keep warm.

RELATED: When Should You See an Asthma Specialist?

6. Dust From Wood, Grain, Flour, Or Green Coffee Beans

Dusty conditions can irritate your lungs to the point of asthma.

7. Dust Mites

Along with the prevalence of dust, you can have an adverse reaction to dust mites. Regular cleaning can help but it’s not always enough.

8. Gases Like Ozone

Ozone can be used for purifying air and drinking water, in industrial waste treatment, oils, bleaching, and making other chemicals. It can also

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