Health + Wellness

Is Your Toothpaste Making You Sick? 5 Ingredients to Avoid


With so many toothpaste brands out there that make so many promises, it may not have crossed your mind that any of their ingredients could be harmful. While your focus has been on getting your teeth clean, some of the ingredients in your toothpaste might be making you sick if you are using them in large amounts. In this case, more is not necessarily better.

Here are five popular toothpaste ingredients that you may choose to avoid. A casual look at this list will reveal some popular ingredients that you’ve heard of. But there’s also an even longer list of ingredients that are “toxic” that you may not have heard of. This list is not exhaustive. Don’t be overwhelmed by this. At the end of the day, you can be more careful and consult your dentist about which ones they recommend.  To get the most benefit from toothpaste, given your particular dental situation, they are better able to recommend using products that work best as a part of your daily dental care regimen and decrease negative results.

Consider the ingredients listed below that you’ve heard of as a heads-up for keeping your oral care safe and effective, yet worry-free. Lastly, using toothpaste is an unavoidable part of good hygiene. Switching to an all-natural toothpaste might ease your mind and lessen your concerns, but not be as good at fighting cavities or brightening your smile and cost more. The five ingredients selected are on the radar for being commonly found and used by many. Be more aware of what you brush your teeth with and more knowledgeable as you decide if it’s possible to avoid some and replace the others. The goal of healthier teeth starts with toothpaste. It is up to you if you decide in the long run that the choices you make for what you use to brush your teeth are the healthiest possible compromise for you. In the ongoing battle for cleaner teeth, a healthy mouth, a whiter, brighter smile, and preserving your teeth for a lifetime are all goals within your reach.

RELATED: The Best Dentist-Approved Toothpastes

1. Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)

This ingredient is found in many toothpastes on the market. It is a temporary whitener. The trade-off is an increase in tooth sensitivity, enamel erosion, and gum irritation. The same ingredient that you may have sought out for its whitening effects, may make your teeth appear yellow and discolored once it wears away the tooth’s enamel. 

2. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)

This is another double-edged sword with benefits and drawbacks. The foaming characteristic that enables it to go to the places where your toothbrush cannot reach is a huge advantage in keeping your teeth clean and healthy. However, its main disadvantages are gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea if ingested in large amounts.

3. Fluoride

This ingredient is a strong product in fighting against cavities, but don’t swallow too much of it and always spit it out or you may have problems. Be very mindful of not ingesting it. Children who swish and swallow mostly have these problems, although adults should also take care. Large amounts of fluoride can be toxic. It can cause a condition called dental fluorosis. This is marked by tooth enamel discoloration. It looks like either white or brown spots. If you remember to swish and spit not swallow, as an adult you should be fine.

4. Artificial sweeteners

Have you ever wondered how your favorite clean mint or cinnamon spice flavor can make your toothpaste taste so good? Sweeteners you may be familiar with, like saccharin, aspartame, or sucralose, can also cause sensitivities or allergies you may not have bargained for. Since artificial sweeteners only serve to add a pleasant taste to toothpaste but have no other use, you can pass on them and avoid getting your sweet tooth satisfied by the toothpaste you choose to use.

5. Titanium dioxide

This ingredient can also be present in toothpaste. It has a dual function. It whitens teeth and reduces the build-up of tartar. If you have sensitive teeth, however, you may need to avoid this one also. It can irritate your teeth and gums.

Again, the list of toxic ingredients in toothpaste is long and filled with many oftentimes confusing options. Some can be avoided or used in lesser amounts to avoid harm. Collaborating with your dentist to choose a toothpaste that will not be toxic or worsen a dental condition, like sensitivity, is possible. No toothpaste wins with a perfect ingredient list, but you can be a savvier shopper by being on the lookout for the potentially toxic toothpaste ingredients you can easily avoid. These five selected examples are, however, the easiest and most basic ingredients you have the power to control, eliminate, or use in moderation.

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