Could Hypnosis Be The Cure?

Have you ever sat and thought about the number of different types of therapies there are for the different types of medical conditions? Probably not, but stop and think for a second. Ask yourself this: if technology is advancing at lightning speed, doesn’t that have something to do with science? So that means there are always new findings within science correct? So if there are new findings in science that advance technology and the way it is used in the world, couldn’t this happen with medicine? Seeing as it’s 2022, the world has had to have found something that cures common diseases and illnesses right? Well, in fact, they actually have. There are so many different types of technologies that have been created to help prevent, cure and treat new illnesses and diseases but what are they and do they really work?
What Is Hypnosis?
Now the word and act of hypnosis can be pretty controversial. For some people, hypnosis can have a negative connotation to it due to the theories and beliefs that stem from spirituality.
For others, the act of hypnosis can be the best thing that’s ever happened to them and they rave about it. But what is hypnosis? What does it actually mean? Well, hypnosis, which can also be known as hypnotherapy, is a type of therapy that puts people into a trance-like state. The intention of putting someone in a hypnotic state is to promote focus within the individual and help the individual learn to have more control over their state of awareness.
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What Conditions Can Hypnotherapy Treat?
Hypnotherapy has been around for hundreds of years and many medical doctors of all sorts use this method for their patients. Since different types of practitioners use this method to treat a variety of people, this treatment can help with a few medical conditions.
Hypnotherapy can be used as a treatment for people living with depression and anxiety. Hypnotherapy can also be used to treat people with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), people living with chronic pain such as psoriatic arthritis, and people who struggle with headaches and migraines, which is another form of chronic pain that can be debilitating to some, and more.
Hypnotherapy can also be a big help for people who struggle with quitting smoking or other drugs because this treatment is used to help people tap into a different part of their mind where they’re more influential when it comes to receiving suggestions.
What Are The Pros And Cons Of Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy can be controversial because of the pros and cons that come with it. On the pro side, using hypnotherapy as a treatment offers you a chance to treat medical conditions without having to use invasive therapies or a multitude of prescribed medications.
Another pro is that it helps treat chronic pain, anxiety, issues with concentrating, and even something such as teeth grinding. So if you’re experiencing flare-ups during a psoriatic arthritis episode, the symptoms you’re experiencing probably have to deal with the anxiety of how your skin looks and the aching pain you might feel due to inflammation. Hypnotherapy can be helpful when it comes to easing these symptoms.
The cons of hypnotherapy are extremely important to know if you’re planning on looking into this form of treatment. What you need to know about hypnosis is that there is a possibility that this method can create false memories called confabulations.
Hypnosis can also create side effects that usually disappear after treatment. These side effects are dizziness, anxiety and headaches. Though everyone handles treatments differently, it’s important to keep in mind the potential risks and side effects.
Is This Right For You? How To Go About Scheduling An Appointment
If this form of therapy interests you, then here are some important facts that you should know when it comes to scheduling an appointment.
First, consult with your doctor or psychiatrist. Not only could hypnotherapy not be effective for you due to the required focus it needs in order to work, but there is a possibility that it can worsen your symptoms, especially if you suffer from things along the lines of hallucinations.
Another important fact is that hypnotherapy works better with other treatments because it helps your body be more receptive to the current treatments you are already taking.
Make sure your hypnotherapist is certified to perform hypnosis and they are also a trained and or licensed mental health professional.
To find a therapist, research and contact licensing agencies and organizations such as the American Association of Professional Hypnotherapists, which were created solely for hypno practitioners. Asking for a referral from your doctor or psychiatrist is another good way to get in touch with a professional hypnotherapist.
Sometimes looking into something new could change your future for the better.