Couple Behind Social App Inpathy Selected For Techstars Detroit

In addition to being selected and affirming their journey, the duo hopes it will empower fellow Black entrepreneurs.
“In the Black community, historically, we’ve had to fight against the assumption that we don’t belong,” Kathryn said in an email interview. “Whether it’s in business, schools, or even restaurants: we were repeatedly told where we should and shouldn’t be. I hope that Inpathy receiving the support of Techstars Detroit, powered by J.P. Morgan based on our steady organic traction, integrity and grit helps push you to resent that imposter feeling. Throughout my journey as an innovator, I’ve learned that when you acknowledge the outsider spotlight and learn to leverage it, you step into an unexpected power.”
“As Black Founders and entrepreneurs, it’s important to understand that the most effective way to address being excluded is to leverage our unique experiences, backgrounds, and insights to build our own products and communities where we are seen, heard and valued,” she added.