Health + Wellness

Gabrielle Union Reveals Her Go-To ‘Build A Booty’ Move

Gabrielle Union
Gabrielle Union/(Photo by Aaron Davidson/Getty Images for American Express Platinum)

When Gabrielle Union isn’t taking charge on our screens, running a thriving haircare business, or traveling across the globe with her equally stylish hubby, basketball star Dwyane Wade, the actress is hard at work maintaining her svelte figure. “I work with a trainer for the most part. I do know how to train myself, but I’ve realized that if someone’s not waiting for me, I do not feel obligated to get up,” she recently told Health magazine of her typical workout.

Of course, that’s not to say staying motivated isn’t a challenge. “I’m not one of those people, like, “I can’t start my day without it,” confessed Union. She candidly added, “Nope. I can actually start my day beautifully, sleeping in, eating some pancakes.”

However, a family history of diabetes and heart disease keeps her motivated to work out. “Knowing what I can do to prevent that has been a huge thing,” she told the magazine. Her high-visibility job, like most celebrities, also keeps her putting in work. “Knowing that there are people who cannot wait to circle your fat and draw an arrow to it keeps me in the gym.”

So, how does Union maintain her tight tush? “Squats,” she revealed of her fave move. “Right now, I’m on build-a-booty. So, we did a specified workout to build up your butt, and you have to eat a specific way. You have to eat more protein to build muscle,” she added.

Here’s how to do a proper squat, according to Fitness Magazine:

Gabrielle Union
Gabrielle Union/(Photo by Paul Morigi/Getty Images for BET)

1. Relax!

Pull your shoulder blades down and together. This simple switch will engage your core and keep your body from becoming loosey-goosey, per strength coach Tony Gentilcore, CSCS. By squeezing your shoulder blades together, you create a little shelf on the back of your shoulders that’s perfect for a barbell. If you’re performing back squats by pulling the bar into that little shelf, It’ll help you keep your shoulder blades tight throughout the entire movement.

RELATED: How Gabrielle Union Keeps Fit at 51 Without Sacrificing Her Love for Food

2. Evenly distribute

Take a “tripod” stance, making sure your weight is evenly distributed under your big toe, little toe, and heel. Then, pretend you’re trying to spread the floor between your feet. Push your feet into the ground and out to the sides. Your feet shouldn’t move, but you should feel some tension in your hips.

3. Get low

Squat as low as you can comfortably. You should squat until the top surface of your thigh is just below your knee and your knees are in line with your toes – without leaning too far forward.


4. Mix it up

For maximum results, mix up your variations. Each variation emphasizes different muscles, such as your hamstrings or glute medius (side butt). Hit a few variations every week and you’ll get the benefits of all of them.

5. Be consistent

Squat two to three times a week. One day, lift heavy weights for only a handful of reps. Another day, lift lighter weights for about a dozen reps. If you decide to add a third day try different variations.

For those trying to maintain their figure or even lose weight, it’s important to note, that diet is also crucial for meeting your fitness goals. Union’s philosophy on living a happy, healthy life? “You know, my grandma lived to be 110, and she drank alcohol, like, every day. I don’t drink every day. But if somebody’s like, “Shots!” I’m like, “Yes!” If someone says, “Bacon!” I’m like, “Yes!” She lived. I definitely live,” she admitted.

Of other things that keep her motivated, Union confessed: “I learn my lesson from other people. So between fearing health issues and fearing “Stars, they’re just like us! Look at their cellulite!”—that keeps me in the gym. Then when I get in there, I get competitive and won’t leave. I basically have the Olympics happening in my mind with strangers. They don’t realize we’re competing, but I usually take gold. Mainly because they’ve left.”

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