How the Sport of the Kings Evolvedin the Last Decade

Technology has played a major impact on sport across the last ten years, and that is showing no sign of stopping any time soon. Sports such as soccer and American Football have been able to implement tech into competitive leagues across the world, although, the results have been varied.
But, horse racing is one of the few sports where it can categorically be claimed that the sport has been improved due to the strides made within the tech industry.
The sport looks completely different to how it did ten years ago, and it could be argued that it looks vastly different to how it did just five years ago. Racing is a sport that never stands still when it comes to the advancements that can be made, but how has the sport advanced via the use of technology over the last ten years?
Increased Betting Options
One of the most notable differences within the betting industry comes from the viewpoint of those that watch and bet on the action. Previously, if you were looking to make a bet on the action, you would need to visit a bookmaker or even be on-track at a racecourse.
However, that hasn’t been the case since the 2000s, as online betting has become a prominent factor when it comes to wagering on horse racing. It has come as the cost of on-course bookmakers, but it has transcended how many choose to bet
on the sport across the world.
Not only this, but players will be able to get improved welcome bonuses and benefits tailored to their betting choices, such as odds boosts and money back tokens. The ability to bet on horse racing online has had a huge impact on the popularity of the sport, as it has helped bring in younger fans that may not have felt comfortable to wager on the action if they had to physically put a bet on.
That explains the surge in popularity of the Kentucky Derby among the youth. If you are not familiar about the biggest race in the world you can read more about it here:
At the heart of the sport remains the stars themselves- the horses. Therefore, it is vitally important that technological advancements have improved the safety of the courses and also enhanced the number of options for treatments should something go amiss on track.
Technological advancements ensure that horses are able to get the specialised treatment that they require, which includes MRI scans and surgeries for broken bones or potentially more minor issues.
This only enhanced the sport overall, as it ensures that horses are able to come back better than ever. Advancements made in diet plans through technology also ensures that trainers now have a better understanding than ever before when it comes to what food should be given to their stars in preparation for some of the biggest races on the calendar.
Furthermore, technological advancements have ensured that tracks are fit for purpose in this modern day, with jumps tracks now using brighter coloured fences to limit the risks of horses falling after not seeing fences. Jockeys will also have better safety equipment following the advancements that have been made in tech, meaning that they will be better protected should they fall off one of the strong animals.
In-Race Tech
Trainers now have better understanding than ever before when it comes to in-race circumstances, and high-tech and HD cameras broadcast each race across the world.
This ensures that they can helpfully make notes of what can be changed for future races to enhance a runner’s chances of claiming victory. Meanwhile, these in-race camera angles also enhance the experience that the viewer will enjoy when watching the action, meaning that they can get a better understanding about their runner, and their chances of victory.
Technology has also streamlined the process of naming winners in races, as high- definition cameras are now able to take pictures in the finish to ensure that photo finishes rarely result in dead heats. Techniques such as one-dimensional array sensors film every moment of the final strides to ensures that the judges are able to make the most in-formed decision in terms of a race winner.
Future Trends
Horse racing continues to adapt for the future in this modern day, with artificial intelligence likely to play an important role in the future of the sport.
AI is being used more readily by trainers across the world when it comes to assessing pre-race conditions to examine their runner’s chances of victory. The ability that AI has to compile and assess data at a quicker rate than humans ensures that it is able to give out well-informed and knowledgeable predictions.
AI is also playing an increased role in terms of the purchasing of racehorses, as the technology can assess each runner in a sales ring, taking into account their progeny form and likely trajectory and chances of success in the future.