How To Keep Your Personal Data Safe Online

Using the Internet is a modern necessity. Online accounts make it possible to live life in a convenient way, giving us access to accounts for both work and personal purposes.
From playing online games to setting up online banking, the steps we take throughout the process all come together and paint the bigger picture of online safety. With so many hackers and cyber criminals in the online sphere and ready to steal personal data, here’s how to protect yours.
Only use trusted networks
Public Wi-Fi networks don’t offer the same level of security as home Wi-Fi routers and other private Internet systems. This is because networks are often not protected by an external layer of security called encryption.
Skilled hackers can bypass the initial network security and find sensitive information, including the IP addresses and other details about users who are currently online. The only way to keep safe is to avoid using unsecure public networks altogether. Only get online if you trust the origin of the provider.
Protect your passwords
Every online account you set up will require a unique password.
Typically, modern passwords must contain a mixture of lowercase and uppercase letters along with special symbols and numbers. Creating such passwords can be tricky to remember, so if you need to write them down, it’s very important to store them safely. Wherever possible, setting up two-step authentication is vital.
Make sure you leave them in a place where they can’t be accessed by others, whether you do this digitally or on paper. If you’re in any doubt, using a professional online password manager could give you an answer.
Use a VPN
VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. This is an optional extension you can use with your computer while you’re online.
It can essentially conceal the true nature of your Internet connection and device identity, leaving you appearing on servers as a different user. VPNs can be used and downloaded from different parts of the world, so they may also play a useful role in accessing content that’s usually only available in other countries.
If you’re trying to stay anonymous, this is a great solution. Using an online VPN conceals your IP address, so hackers can’t see your track your true location.
Know how to spot a scam
Finally, with cybercriminals constantly looking for new and creative ways to access personal data and steal funds, it’s your responsibility to learn about some of the most common types and how you can avoid them.
One of the most prevalent types is phishing: this is where a hackers send a message that conveys a sense of urgency, often tricking the user to click a link and transfer a payment. If you receive a suspicious message from someone you don’t know – or you get an email that looks like official comms from another company but doesn’t feel quite right – trust your instincts.
Remain cautious, second-guess yourself and report any genuine scam attempts to your employer if you receive one at work.