How to Stay Safe and Confident in the Bedroom!

Since heart failure can make you short of breath, it’s natural to wonder if it’s safe to have sex. Fortunately, doctors confirm that many people with heart failure can have satisfying sex lives if they know what to do. Here’s what you need to know about maintaining your confidence and heart health in the bedroom.
How to Have Sex Safely
The key to having sex safely is making things easier on your heart. It’s best to wait to have sex until you’re well-rested, stress-free, and at least an hour after having a big meal. If you’ve been drinking, you shouldn’t have sex at all. When having sex, stick to rooms that are at a comfortable temperature as being too hot or cold can strain your heart.
Instead of strenuous positions, stick to the ones where you’re the one on the bottom or both of you are on your side. It can also help if you prolong foreplay or use assistive toys that will add to the experience but won’t be as hard on your heart. If you use a pacemaker, you should check to ensure that sex toys won’t interfere with its function. Your doctor can provide some guidance or a referral so you can know what’s safe.
Despite taking precautions, there’s a chance you’ll still feel winded. If this happens, you should stop and rest before continuing. Heart palpitations may be more serious and a sign that you shouldn’t have sex at the moment. However, you should let your doctor know if you experience them.
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Why Heart Failure Affects Your Sex Life
The general characteristic of heart failure is that your heart might not be able to pump oxygenated blood to all your organs effectively. This issue can make it difficult for you to carry out physical activities. The lack of proper blood flow can also interfere with arousal, getting or maintaining an erection, ejaculation, and attaining an orgasm. In rare situations, certain medications that are prescribed for heart failure can contribute to problems in the bedroom, too.
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How to Talk to Your Doctor About It
Most doctors hear the question about sex and heart issues fairly often so you shouldn’t feel self-conscious about it. It’s something you can bring up while discussing if you can still participate in physical activity. Though some doctors say you should be able to have sex if you can climb stairs or walk a mile without a problem, it’s best to confirm that. Your ability to be active may also be affected by the stage of your heart failure and if you’re recovering from surgery. For example, you may need to rest as much as possible for a few weeks.
It’s also important to note that being given the all-clear by your doctor isn’t a pass for the rest of your life. Heart failure is a chronic condition and is likely to progress as you age. You should always let your doctor know if your condition worsens. It may mean that you need to explore different treatment options.
While doctors say that having a heart attack during sex is rare, it’s not impossible – especially if you aren’t supposed to do any physical activities. Symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, sudden or persistent indigestion, or an irregular heartbeat also mean that you might be having a heart attack and should see a doctor immediately.
It’s understandable to be concerned about having sex with heart failure. If you consult your doctor and act carefully, however, you can have a healthy sex life for many years. You should always let your doctor know if you feel worse, though.