
Juju Royal from Biobizz, a new range of plant nutrients- Alchimia Grow Shop

At Alchimiaweb we always strive to offer you the most innovative and effective products for your crop. Today, we are delighted to introduce you to Juju Royal, the new range of organic fertilizers from Biobizz, a brand recognized for its commitment to quality and sustainability. These new fertilizers are formulated with premium natural ingredients, designed to give your plants all the essential nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy.

With the new Biobizz range, you can enjoy more abundant and better quality harvests, all while taking care of the environment. Discover how these organic fertilizers can transform your garden or crop and take it to the next level.

Juju Royal, developed between Biobizz and Julian Marley, represents the Rastafari essence in the world of cultivation

Biobizz, synonymous with quality and experience

Biobizz is a brand that in fact needs no introduction at this point, being a pioneer and leader in the field of organic and sustainable agriculture for decades. Since its founding in 1992, the company has been at the forefront of developing and producing high-quality organic fertilizers, designed to meet the needs of growers and farmers worldwide, of course also those of cannabis.

Based in the Netherlands, Biobizz has expanded its global presence thanks to its commitment to innovation, sustainability, and quality. The brand is distinguished by its focus on using natural ingredients and ecological processes, ensuring that its products promote vigorous and healthy plant growth and respect and improve the environment.

Over the years, Biobizz has developed a wide range of products, including liquid fertilizers, substrates, and enhancers, all designed to maximize the potential of plants naturally. Their product line is known for being easy to use and highly effective, making Biobizz a preferred choice for novice and experienced growers. Today we present to you a new range of high-quality organic products, Juju Royal from Biobizz, developed side by side with the artist Julian Marley.

Juju Royal: Biobizz and Julian Marley take a step forward

As we told you, we have recently welcomed the new range of Juju Royal fertilizers from Biobizz, developed in collaboration with Julian Marley, son of the legendary Bob Marley. This innovative line of organic fertilizers reflects a perfect combination of traditional knowledge and advanced cultivation techniques, inspired by the values of sustainability and respect for nature that the Marley family has defended for generations. Of course, they are also looking for the development of explosive plants!

Biobizz’s Juju Royal range has been formulated with the highest quality natural ingredients to provide your plants with the essential nutrients they need at every stage of their development. These fertilizers not only promote robust and healthy growth but also improve soil health and microbial life, encouraging environmentally friendly growing practices.

Julian Marley has worked closely with the experts at Biobizz to create this line of products, bringing his passion for organic agriculture and his commitment to sustainability. Each product in the Juju Royal range is designed to optimize the performance of your plants, from germination to harvest, ensuring optimal results and a positive impact on the ecosystem.

Responsible use of pesticides in cannabis cultivation

With the arrival of hot weather during the summer, cannabis plants can start to fall prey to a multitude of insect pests and fungal pathogens. There is a wide range of products available to combat these problems, and in this article we talk about their safe and responsible use, both respecting human health and protecting the environment.

By choosing Juju Royal, you are not only investing in the health and vitality of your plants, but you are also supporting a growing philosophy that values harmony with nature and the responsible use of fertilizers and resources. This new range of fertilizers represents Biobizz and Julian Marley’s commitment to excellence and sustainability in cultivation.

We invite you to discover the Biobizz Juju Royal range at Alchimia Grow Shop and experience how these organic fertilizers can transform your crop, offering you more abundant and better quality harvests while contributing to a more sustainable future. Join us and the Marley family on this journey towards superior and responsible organic farming!

Juju Royal from Biobizz is developed in collaboration with Julian Marley
Juju Royal from Biobizz is developed in collaboration with Julian Marley

Fertilizers from the Biobizz Juju Royal range

Below we are going to see the main characteristics of each of the products of this innovative line of organic fertilizers, which as you will see consists of several products in liquid format and two different substrates, one based on coconut fiber and the other on soil. of the best quality. These are the products included in this exclusive range:

Juju Royal Grow Soldier from Biobizz

Grow Soldier is the perfect fertilizer for the growth phase of your plants. Formulated with natural ingredients, this product promotes robust root development and strong, healthy vegetative growth. It is ideal for preparing your plants for successful flowering, ensuring they are in their best shape from the start.

Its NPK is 5-2-3, although it also includes sugars so that the microorganisms in the substrate have an extra supply of nutrients, thus reinforcing their close relationship with the roots of the plants. Although it is the appropriate fertilizer for the growth phase, keep in mind that you should also add it (in a lower dose) during the flowering phase, as you can see in the feeding chart at the end of this article. The dose to use, depending on the starting water, ranges between 1 and 4ml per liter of water.

Juju Royal Flowa Bloom by Biobizz

Flowa Bloom is the essential fertilizer for the flowering stage of this range. Rich in phosphorus and potassium, it is designed to support the production of large, resinous flowers. This organic fertilizer optimizes nutrient absorption during flowering, providing all the necessary elements to obtain an abundant, high-quality harvest.

In addition to phosphorus and potassium, Flowa Bloom is also rich in proteins, amino acids, and sugars, all designed so that the buds of your plants develop monstrously. Its NPK is 5-3-3, although remember that you must use it in combination with Grow Soldier, while the dose can vary between 2 and 4ml per liter of water. See the growing chart at the end to learn more about its application.

The new range of Juju Royal fertilizers and substrates from Biobizz is born as a step forward towards organic and sustainable agriculture
The new range of Juju Royal fertilizers and substrates from Biobizz is born as a step forward towards organic and sustainable agriculture

Juju Royal Green Mystic by Biobizz

Green Mystic is a development enhancer that can be used throughout the plant’s life cycle. Its balanced formula of micronutrients and natural extracts improves the vitality of plants, promoting green and leafy growth. It is perfect for giving your plants the extra vigor they need to thrive.

It is a mixture of algae designed to enhance the growth of your plants and improve the absorption of macronutrients, as well as calcium and magnesium present in the soil. This product not only promotes explosive growth and flowering in cannabis plants but also helps plants better cope with the stress of drought and flowering periods. With a very low NPK content, Green Mystic is compatible with basic fertilizers for growth and flowering, allowing its use without problems.

Juju Royal I&I Pack by Biobizz

The Biobizz I&I Pack is a complete solution for the conscious grower, designed to provide all the necessary nutrients at each stage of your plants’ life cycle. This 100% organic fertilizer kit is perfect for growing up to 4 plants from the beginning to the end of the cycle, as it includes all the products necessary for growing 1 to 4 plants, suitable for both soil and coco. We recommend its use with the Light Rebel and Coco Kaya substrates, both also from Biobizz.

Contents of the Try Pack I&I Juju Royal by Biobizz:

  • Grow Soldier: Growth fertilizer that stimulates growth and encourages bacterial life in the substrate thanks to its sugar content.
  • Flowa Bloom: Fertilizer for flowering, easily absorbed, provides phosphorus, amino acids, and essential sugars for abundant flowering.
  • Green Mystic: Health-enhancing algae extract, which increases plant production and resistance. It can also be used foliarly.

Biobizz recommends regulating the pH of the nutrient solution with organic products and, if using soft or osmosis water, supplementing with organic calcium and magnesium. Each I&I Juju Royal pack includes a 250 ml bottle of each product. Improve your crops with this complete organic kit, now available at Alchimia Grow Shop.

Fertilizers and enhancers can be used with any of the two substrates, Light Rebel and Coco Kaya
Fertilizers and enhancers can be used with any of the two substrates, Light Rebel and Coco Kaya

Substrates from the Biobizz Juju Royal range: Light Rebel and Coco Kaya

Biobizz has developed two different substrates for the use of the Juju Royal range of fertilizers. It is a growing medium based on coconut fiber, Coco Kaya, and a light substrate based on peat (soil), Light Rebel. Below we present the main characteristics of each one:

Juju Royal Light Rebel

Juju Royal Light Rebel is a high-quality substrate specially designed to offer an optimal environment for growing marijuana, vegetables and other plants, both indoors and outdoors. This lightly fertilized substrate, mixed with peat, provides an aerated texture that encourages healthy root development. It comes ready for immediate use, although you can enrich it with organic amendments such as humus and guano according to your preferences.

Light Rebel is suitable for the entire growing cycle, from germination to harvest, and is also ideal for seedbeds and cuttings. Make sure to maintain proper hydration through irrigation to preserve the properties of the substrate over time. It comes in 50-liter bags.

Juju Royal Coco Kaya

Coco Kaya is a light and airy substrate composed of a mixture of coconut, peat, perlite, and light fertilization. This substrate is designed to provide balanced growth and retain the moisture necessary for optimal plant development, both indoor and outdoor crops, including flowers, herbs, and vegetables.

Of course, this substrate comes ready for immediate use, although as in the previous case, additional amendments can be added according to the grower’s needs. It is ideal for all phases of cultivation, from germination and cuttings to flowering, and is compatible with Biobizz’s Juju Royal range of fertilizers. It is essential to maintain an adequate balance in NPK contributions and ensure correct hydration of the substrate to achieve healthy plant development.

Sustainability & Cannabis cultivation

There are many ways to grow cannabis, some more damaging to the environment than others. Today we are going to delve into this topic and we will tell you what you can do to make your cultivation more sustainable and respectful of nature while still obtaining magnificent harvests, and all while improving the quality of the results at the same time!

Each of these products has been meticulously formulated by Biobizz in collaboration with Julian Marley to offer a complete and organic solution for your crops. By incorporating the Juju Royal range into your growing routine, you will not only improve the health and productivity of your plants, but you will also support sustainable agricultural practices that respect and protect the environment.

We invite you to discover and experience the benefits of Biobizz’s Juju Royal range. Join Biobizz and the Marley family on this journey towards more ecological and responsible agriculture. Grow your plants with the essence and spirit of nature!

Happy harvest!

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