National Voter Registration Day: Preparing For Election Day

Source: Caroline Brehman / Getty
UPDATED: 11 a.m. ET, Sept. 17, 2024
Originally published Sept. 22, 2020
Tuesday marks National Voting Registration Day, which comes just 48 days before the 2024 Election. But in order to participate in the democratic process and cast a ballot in what is expected to be one of the most consequential midterm elections in recent history, you have to first register to vote.
That’s where we can help.
MORE: Black Voter Registration Rates Surge Amid Kamala Harris’ Historic Candidacy, Data Shows
Aside from registering to vote, there are a number of ways people are encouraged to take part in their civil duties on Election Day. But first things first. If you haven’t registered to vote yet, there are several resources in place to assist you with that. NewsOne’s The Black Ballot published a brief guide with steps to take in order to register to vote. You can find that information by clicking here. And with the controversy over mailing absentee ballots in recent years seemingly not going anywhere, it’s important to pay attention to the voter registration deadlines associated with your state so you don’t miss the opportunity to register and find yourself on the outside looking in on Election Day.
Once you’re all registered, you’re not technically done. Considering all of the reports of voter suppression and having seen so many names get purged from voter rolls, it’s also pertinent to confirm your registration — frequently. You can do that by contacting your local board of elections or checking its website. The last thing you want to do is think you’re registered and then either not get sent your absentee ballot or arrive at your polling place only to be turned away because a worker cannot locate your name.
There is also some confusion over whether formerly incarcerated individuals can vote. It’s on a case-by-case basis, according to states. But those who fall into that category should figure out if they’re eligible to vote. Click here to find out more.
Black Voters Matter is one organization that places a spotlight all year round on registering to vote. Tuesday is no different as the influential civil rights group offered its followers a checklist of things to do for the current election cycle in addition to getting registered to vote.
There are more than 5,100 National Voting Registration Day events taking place across the country on Tuesday. The National Voting Registration Day website has an interactive tool for users looking to find events near them in which they can participate. You can find them by clicking here.
Aside from registering to vote, there are some other important aspects of National Voting Registration Day to be aware of. In order to be truly ready to vote, the National Voting Registration Day website has also provided some additional necessary resources such as knowing the healthiest options. Staying healthy and taking steps to protect yourself as well as others are paramount, especially for those intending to vote in person.
The National Voting Registration Day website also invites users to learn more about who will be on their state’s ballots, from the local city and state elections to the national contests, as well.
Are you planning to vote via mail? Find out your state’s deadlines not just for requesting one but also for when to mail it by clicking here.
Interested in becoming a poll worker? People from all backgrounds are being asked to volunteer in that capacity. Learn more about becoming a poll worker by clicking here.
After you’ve done all that, there is just one last thing left to do: Vote!