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The Importance Of Advocating For Yourself As A College Student –

Advocating For Yourself

We learn in school to raise our hands to ask for help from our teachers, to give our parents or guardians permission slips for school trips, and to follow any instructions given to us as kids. So, advocating for yourself has been something we were taught at a young age.

One of the most important skills to have and/or develop as a college student is advocating for yourself, although some apply as you age and enroll in college if that’s your chosen path.

Even though you may need to care for yourself more as you get older, such as in high school, school systems typically still communicate with you through your parents or guardians. 

Academic Advocacy 

 Self-advocacy involves being involved in your education and accepting responsibility for your educational journey. Examples of this are speaking in class, getting clarification when needed, and asking for more assistance or resources.

You can demonstrate that you are committed to your education and take charge of your academic achievement by speaking out for yourself in class, which can also create a healthy relationship with your professor. 

Furthermore, asking for accommodations for learning differences or disabilities is another way to stand up for yourself. Many schools provide support services for students with disabilities.

These services include extra exam time, help taking notes, and accessible accommodation. You can ensure that you have equal opportunity for educational resources and can learn to the best of your abilities by speaking up for the accommodations you need.

Managing Extracurricular & Social Activities When Advocating For Yourself 

Social interactions and extracurricular activities require self-advocacy to be successfully managed outside the classroom. It involves setting limits, voicing your choices and thoughts, and maintaining your image in various social contexts.

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