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White Woman’s Unhinged Meltdown In Kroger Leads to Arrest After Racist Confrontation with Black Cop

A Black police officer in Georgia found himself in a bizarre confrontation with an unhinged white woman who went full-blown Karen inside a Kroger grocery store while babbling references to the U.S. Constitution, claiming her rights were being violated — all before being marched out in handcuffs and taken to jail.

Video of the 2022 heated exchange has since gone viral on TikTok, showing the woman blowing a fuse as she struggled to handle being challenged by a Black authority figure.

Body camera video shows police interacting with a woman at a Georgia Kroger after they were called to remove her from the store. (Photo: TikTok/@crimechronicles911)

A store employee later revealed that the unidentified woman had been walking around the store, allegedly badgering other customers over their choice to wear face coverings indoors— actions that are the rambunctious behavior often associated with President Donald Trump’s base. She said it wasn’t the first time the woman had been involved in a dustup inside the store.

As the disturbance escalated, the woman launched into a loud soapbox rant, spewing political mumbo-jumbo, threatening to get her attorney involved, and calling the Black cop a racist while throwing a fit over what she claimed was reverse discrimination.

The back-and-forth dragged on so long that social media had to split the video into four parts to capture the full scope of the drama, culminating in the woman being arrested, banned from the store and warned by police that she’d be jailed again if she returned.

It was unclear what initially set off the colorfully dressed woman, but the tense confrontation left shoppers steering their carts warily away to avoid getting caught in the chaos.

The video kicks off with the unidentified woman shouting at the top of her lungs and cupping her hands like the town crier to make sure everyone in the store heard the meltdown.

“I’m being kicked out of the store because I’m white!” she screamed before complaining, “It’s a Black person’s word over a white person’s word!”

In the next scene, the person filming rushed over to two store employees, one of them a uniformed Black man, saying, “Y’all gonna have to hurry up and get this crazy lady outta here.”

She then described the person in question as “Some white lady with a genie outfit on. She needs to be banned.”

From there, the man approached the woman from behind, and that’s when the real drama began. He halted her cart in the middle of the dairy aisle and informed her that store management had requested she leave the premises.

The woman immediately launched into lawyer mode, claiming that the store did not have the legal right to kick her out.

“So they are banning you from the store, so you are going to leave,” the man pressed.

“Can you explain a legal reason why?” she resisted.

“I don’t have to explain anything to you, so —” he began before the woman rudely cut him off. “Yes, you do because you’re illegal,” she alleged before pushing the shopping cart into him and scurrying down the aisle, repeating, “Get away from me.”

As the officer pursued, she cried out, “I’m calling the police,” to which he replied, “I am the police!”

The officer demanded she stop fleeing and asked her name. She refused to comply with his commands and kept shuffling away, saying, “I don’t give strangers my name.”

She then stopped and said she wanted to speak with another cop, one who wasn’t Black, she indicated. Now that he had the woman’s attention, the Black man whipped out his notepad to take down the woman’s information. 

“What have I done legally wrong?” she asked with consternation, but instead of waiting for an answer, she kept interrupting the officer. Finally, he explained that security had been called because she was causing a disturbance and cussing people out, which she swiftly denied.

“I need concrete evidence,” she declared, then went on to explain that she wasn’t required to provide her name, citing the nonexistent Privacy Act of the Constitution as if she were an expert on the law.

“Excuse me, what crime have I committed to warrant you guys coming in here like an army to shoot me or something? I’d like to know in legal language what crime I’ve committed?” she demanded.

In the middle of giving the Black officer an earful and not backing down an inch, another officer approached from a different angle, and the video cuts to his bodycam angle. He was just in time to quench the woman’s desperate search for answers. “Disorderly conduct,” he said after stopping right in front of her. 

But this only led to more gibberish.

“OK, what is disorderly conduct? Please define it and I’d like to see on video the disorderly conduct and you have proof it’s their word over mine. They are citizens, I am a citizen, so we are equal,” she ranted. It appeared that four officers had come to surround the woman as she refused to calm down. One of the officers mentioned that his supervisor was on the way to assist in deescalating the situation.

The woman launched into appeals about freedom of speech and other legal principles, claiming her constitutional rights were being violated and that she was about to call her lawyer to the store.

Then, almost as if ripped from a Hollywood script, the woman hit her cue perfectly — demanding to speak with the manager.

“I want the name of the manager who’s banning me so I can take it to my attorney,” she demanded. “And you will get a letter from my attorney because I have done absolutely nothing,” she said. “I have done absolutely nothing, and that’s called discrimination against white people,” she shouted. The footage then cuts ahead, showing her berating the Black security guard while jabbing her finger in his direction.

“You are a racist,” she declared.  “You are discriminating against a white person, how dare you!” she convicted the Black officer, who by now was rolling his eyes but maintaining his professionalism, still asking for the woman’s ID. At this point, the woman said she would deal only with the white officer because “I relate better to people of my own race,” she said.

The agitated woman refused to give her name. The cops warned her that she was trespassing.

“There’s no legal basis to kick me out of the store,” she argued. 

“What are my rights?” she asked. “Your rights are to leave the store,” the Black officer replied.

She then accused him of targeting her just because she’s white.

The other officers informed the woman that she was causing a disturbance while giving her every opportunity to leave the store. 

She then explained why she had a problem with people wearing masks, saying she didn’t want them around her because she feared catching COVID-19.

She then revealed that she was a hypochondriac and that she had told someone in the checkout line to maintain six feet of space from her. The officers were not impressed with the excuses and said she still had to leave.

The woman then claimed to know someone on the local police force for the past 35 years and that she would contact him about the matter. 

“He’s gonna raise hell,” she warned.

At this point, the woman saw she was losing the argument and exploded, claiming the Black man’s word was “hearsay.”

The white officer then warned the woman she was now trespassing as she had been asked to leave several times.

“You can’t go believing a Black person over a white person!” she screamed among other racist missives. 

After all this, the woman still wouldn’t budge. Other officers arrived and warned her to leave now, or she would be arrested. She then challenged them to provide their names and badge numbers in writing. Next, she claimed to have a boyfriend who works for the CIA before daring officers to “take me to jail right now.”

They obliged, placing her in handcuffs in the middle of the store. Even so, she kept ranting, even after being marched outside and placed into a waiting squad car.

It’s unclear if she had a lawyer.

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