Chatting with Jorge Cervantes (2024)- Alchimia Grow Shop

Today we want to present you a very special talk with one of the most influential iconic celebrities in the world of cannabis: Jorge Cervantes. Known for his comprehensive and detailed growing manuals, both indoors and outdoors, and his tireless activism, Jorge has dedicated his life to educating and empowering growers around the world. From his underground beginnings to becoming a respected author and public figure within the movement, his journey is as fascinating as it is inspiring.
We recently had a long talk with him where we touched on some important points both within his career and the current cannabis scene, so today we bring you a summary of this pleasant time we spent together. Prepare to immerse yourself in a conversation full of knowledge, passion, and valuable advice from this legendary grower. Do not miss it!
Jorge Cervantes, a legend of cannabis cultivation
Jorge Cervantes, whose real name is George Van Patten, is a prominent cannabis grower, writer, and activist. With decades of experience behind him and thousands of anecdotes, Cervantes is known for his books and detailed guides on growing marijuana, which have helped countless growers improve both the quality and quantity of their crops. His work has been instrumental in spreading knowledge about indoor and outdoor cultivation, and his influence continues to grow in the global cannabis community. Today, he honors us with his presence to share his vast experience and perspectives in this particular sector. Let’s see what he has to tell us!
Interview with Jorge Cervantes, cannabis legend
Jorge Cervantes, author of more than 50 books on growing marijuana and a mythical character on the American cannabis scene, answers our questions in an exclusive interview for Alchimia readers, where we took the opportunity to present his new book “We grow cannabis!”.
Interview with Jorge Cervantes
Hello Jorge, as always, it is a real pleasure to greet you and share some time with you. Since the last time we spoke we did it to present your new digital book “We grow cannabis!”, the question is almost obligatory… How was the launch?
The launch of “We grow cannabis!” has been a complete success. I am very satisfied with the reception this free digital book has had. The goal was to make information about growing cannabis as accessible as possible, and I think we achieved that.
We have had thousands of downloads in a short time and the comments from readers have been very positive. I am especially pleased to be able to offer this updated and comprehensive guide for free to the cannabis community. We have translated it and it is available in 11 languages: Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Ukrainian.
In our previous interview, we talked about the importance of information, and that it flows between growers… What would you say were (or are) your main sources of information about everything related to cannabis?
My main sources of information have always been the growers themselves. Throughout my career, I have been fortunate to meet thousands of passionate growers who have shared their knowledge and experiences with me. I also stay up to date by reading the latest scientific research on cannabis and attending industry conferences and events. But without a doubt, the practical experience of growers is my most valuable source. As I say in “The Encyclopedia of Cannabis”: “The growers are the true experts, I only collect and share their collective wisdom.”
You started in the publishing world in 1983 by self-publishing your first book, the legendary “Bible”… What would you say to those who want to start their career in this sector?
I would tell them to be persistent and not be afraid to start independently. Self-publishing allowed me to share knowledge when no one else wanted to. The key is to have passion for what you do and be willing to learn continually. Adversity is part of the path, but with dedication and love for the plant, success can be achieved.
Nowadays, cannabis consumers have already freed themselves from many stigmas in many places, but… when do you think cultivation and consumption will truly be normalized on a social level?
The social normalization of cannabis is a gradual process that is already underway. More and more countries and regions are regulating its medicinal and recreational use. However, there is still a way to go. I believe we will see a more complete normalization in the next 5-10 years, as more research demonstrates the medicinal benefits of cannabis and many of the prejudices that still persist are demystified. As I explain in “The Cannabis Encyclopedia”, education is key to overcoming stigma. The more objective information that reaches society, the faster normalization will advance.
In recent years, it seems that the THC percentages of many strains have skyrocketed. Do you believe in this “THC race” that seems to have established itself in the sector?
The so-called “THC rush” is a trend I observe with some concern. While it’s true that some people look for high-THC strains, I think we’re forgetting the importance of balance. As I explain in ” The Encyclopedia of Cannabis “, cannabis is much more than THC. Terpenes and other cannabinoids play a crucial role in the plant’s effects. Personally, I advocate a more holistic approach, looking for balanced cannabinoid and terpene profiles that offer a more complete and therapeutic experience.
On the other hand, today there are several synthetic cannabinoids such as Hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) or Hexahydrocannabidol (H4CBD)… what is your opinion on these types of compounds?
Synthetic cannabinoids can have interesting applications, but I always prefer natural compounds. The cannabis plant is complex and offers a synergy that we are still understanding. I prefer natural for its complete benefits.
The Entourage Effect: Synergy between cannabinoids and terpenes
Cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids and other compounds act together to modulate the effects of the cannabis plant in a synergy called “Entourage Effect”. In this article we tell you more about this interesting phenomenon.
Lately, there has been quite a stir regarding the topic of micro-dosing THC or psilocybin. Do you have experience with them?
Microdosing is a fascinating field. Although I haven’t personally explored them much, I know many who find benefits in them, especially in terms of creativity and mental well-being. The research is still in development, but it promises a lot.
There are also quite a few expectations with the reclassification of marijuana by the US DEA from Schedule I to Schedule III. What repercussions do you think it will have on the cannabis industry?
DEA requalification could be a big step toward acceptance and legalization at the federal level in the United States. This would open many doors for research and product development, benefiting the industry and consumers.
And speaking of regulation: currently, the cultivation and consumption of marijuana have been regulated in multiple regions and countries around the world. Which law do you think represents you the most and which do you think is the worst?
Canada’s laws are exemplary, allowing both personal and commercial cultivation with clear regulations. On the other hand, the most restrictive laws, such as those that still criminalize cannabis in many parts of the world, are the most harmful.
Since we have you here, the question is obligatory… Is there any new editorial project in your hands that you can tell us something about?
I am working on a new edition of “The Cannabis Encyclopedia” that will include the latest research and growing techniques. I’m so excited to share it soon!
Thank you very much for your time and patience Jorge, we only have to let you send the message you want to our readers…
Thank you. To the readers, I would say to continue educating yourself and sharing knowledge. The grower community is strong thanks to the free-flowing information. Happy growing!
The articles published by Alchimiaweb, S.L. are reserved for adult clients only. We would like to remind our customers that cannabis seeds are not listed in the European Community catalogue. They are products intended for genetic conservation and collecting, in no case for cultivation. In some countries it is strictly forbidden to germinate cannabis seeds, other than those authorised by the European Union. We recommend our customers not to infringe the law in any way, we are not responsible for their use.