Could a Non-Dairy Diet Cure Your Skin Problems?

Itchy red patches on the skin have several ways they might arise. Bug bites, poison ivy, and eczema are just a few of the many skin problems that may arise. Skin problems can be a nuisance. While there are many topical products and laser treatments on the market, there’s also one shift you can make at home that can help out your skin. Removing dairy from your diet can potentially clear up acne and give your skin a glow.
RELATED: 7 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Give Up Dairy
How does eliminating dairy help your skin?
Eliminating dairy from your diet can enhance skin texture and tone. Eliminating dairy can improve skin conditions like acne and rosacea. Skim milk causes the most skin problems because of the whey protein, hormones, and sugars. It will take about two to three weeks to see a difference in your skin if you choose to remove dairy from your diet. There are many vegan substitutes on the market that you can enjoy if you try to cut dairy.
The most significant irritant of the dairy food group is skim milk. Getting rid of foods like milk, cheese, and ice cream is a terrific way to give your skin a boost. Cutting dairy may improve skin texture, skin tone, and acne.
Whey protein, specifically in skim milk, is pro-inflammatory and can lead to inflammation, manifesting as acne and rosacea. Beyond the whey protein, occasionally skim milk has problem-causing hormones that can irritate your skin.
Cow milk may have hormones that also can contribute to acne and inflammation.
Skim milk has added sugars that can cause acne flares. In addition to the protein and hormones found in skim milk, its sugar content can also cause skin troubles. Skim milk has more sugar in it than whole milk.
The increased sugars lead to a higher glycemic index. Foods with a high glycemic index are known for flaring acne, so staying away from skim milk may help control these flares.
Even though skim milk is a major culprit when it comes to skin problems, dermatologists agree that eliminating all dairy can help your