New Medication for Use in Managing Asthma

New Medication for Use in Managing Asthma
- Airsupra (albuterol/budesonide)
Airsupra (albuterol/budesonide) is commonly used as needed to treat and help prevent asthma symptoms, such as wheezing or shortness of breath, and to help prevent asthma attacks. It should not be used as ongoing maintenance treatment for asthma.
Airsupra contains two different medicines, albuterol and budesonide.
- Albuterol rapidly relaxes the muscles around your airways. This allows your airways to widen and makes it easier to breathe.
- Budesonide decreases the inflammation of the airways in your lungs, which also helps make breathing easier.
The difference between this medicine is that everything you take Albuterol as a rescue meds you get a dose of maintenance medicine budesonide.
- New Ways to Use Symbicort (Budesonide-Formoterol)
In an open-label trial involving adults with mild asthma, budesonide–formoterol used as needed was superior to albuterol used as needed for the prevention of asthma exacerbations. So many experts now recommend that this combination be used in place of Albuterol for acute asthma symptoms. But before you change the way you use Albuterol talk to your doctor
- FDA Approves Nasal Epinephrine
neffy 2 mg is a nasal spray used to treat life-threatening, allergic emergencies including anaphylaxis, in II and children who weigh 66 lbs or more (30 kg or more), who are at risk for or have a history of serious allergic emergencies. Haler-albuterol-ics. While the medication is more convenient it is still not clear how effective it is in significant anaphylaxis talk with your doctor before you initiate therapy.
- Xolair: Reducing the Risk of Food Allergy Reactions
Xolair (omalizumab) is a medication used to treat moderate to severe persistent asthma. It works by targeting IgE antibodies, which play a role in allergic reactions. However, recent studies have shown that Xolair may also be effective in reducing the risk of food allergy reactions.
In a study published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, researchers found that patients who received Xolair injections had a lower incidence of anaphylaxis caused by food allergies compared to those who did not receive the treatment. This discovery has been groundbreaking for individuals living with severe food allergies. While there is currently no cure for food allergies, Xolair offers hope in preventing potentially life-threatening reactions. actions for people with food allergies, avoiding certain foods has always been the only way to prevent a serious allergic reaction, like anaphylaxis. But even when someone is super careful, accidents can still happen. And for those allergic to multiple foods, avoiding every single one can feel nearly impossible.
That’s why 2024 brought some exciting news! Xolair became the first medicine approved to help make accidental allergic reactions to multiple foods less serious. While it’s still important to steer clear of trigger foods, Xolair could make managing food allergies a little less stressful—and a lot less scary.