Signs Black MEN Should Look For On The First Date

First dates can be pretty stressful. On his side, there may be high expectations of doing everything perfectly to secure the affections of a woman. This can layer on the pressure with each passing moment of the rendezvous, especially for men looking for a serious partner. Women can be pretty difficult to read but there are several telling signs that can be gathered from observing body language. Take the guessing out of the equation of (“Does she like me or not?”) by paying attention to the following signs during the courting stage.
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Affirming body language
Body language is more telling than verbal conversation, and there are several body language signs that should be taken into account when deciding if a woman is worth the investment or if moving on to the next option is best.
What She Does: If a woman plays with her hair while in conversation with you it is a sign that she is interested in you (women always want to make sure their appearance is appealing to men they are interested in).
Pay attention to the direction her body is facing while you are together.
Keeping close bodily contact, facing her body towards you and touching you in light ways during laughter or casual convo are all affirming body language signals to let you know she is interested. If you see any of these affirming signs you are in a good place.
Rejection body language
Some of these signs are blatant, however, when blinded by a woman’s beauty and caught up in the nervousness of doing everything right to impress this woman, these signs can be looked over.
We are all extremely too attached to our mobile devices these days, but if she is paying more attention to her phone during the date than she pays to you, chances are her interests in you are slim.
What She Does: If she consistently taps her foot, she may be in a hurry to get the date over and done with, which is also a display of her lack of interest. Taking multiple sighs of breath, sitting with crossed arms, frequent trips to the bathroom and consistent complaining are also signs that this date may be the first and last.
Telling conversations
Verbal conversation gives insight into a person’s mind and interests.
By listening to how she responds to certain statements, current affairs, or how she follows the