Health + Wellness

Flavor Without the Burn: Cooking Tips for Heartburn Relief


Dealing with heartburn can be a pain, especially during mealtime. But with a few adjustments, you can still enjoy tasty dishes that won’t aggravate your symptoms. When you’re at home, it’s easier to avoid foods that trigger heartburn if you know how to shop and cook in a way that’s heartburn-friendly.

Identifying Your Triggers

Heartburn, or acid reflux, happens when stomach acid flows back up into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation in the chest. It can be an occasional discomfort for some or a chronic issue for others.

First things first, identify your triggers. Not everyone gets heartburn from the same foods. If you notice that a big, greasy meal sets it off, it might be best to steer clear of that, Christopher Marshall, MD, the clinical chief of gastroenterology at UMass Memorial Health in Worcester tells Everyday Health.

According to experts, you don’t necessarily need to adopt a strict diet if you have reflux. Instead, learn what common foods trigger heartburn and customize your meals accordingly.

Here are some general tips for cooking to avoid heartburn and help you figure out what triggers yours:

1. Adjust Your Seasonings

Meals that won’t trigger heartburn can still be flavorful. Spicy foods are a common trigger for heartburn. If you enjoy spicy foods, consider using less irritating herbs like oregano or turmeric for flavor.

2. Swap Ingredients

Acidic foods like tomatoes and tomato sauces can irritate the esophagus. Try using a broth or healthy oil-based sauce instead of a tomato-based one.

3. Reduce Fatty Ingredients

Fatty foods can relax the muscle that separates the esophagus and stomach, allowing acid to flow back up. Opt for leaner meats and vegetarian proteins like tofu instead of fatty cuts of meat.

RELATED: 7 Easy Home Remedies for Heartburn

4. Use Low-Fat Cooking Methods

Cooking methods that add fat to food, like frying, can contribute to heartburn. Try baking, grilling, steaming, or lightly sautéing your dishes instead.

5. Watch Your Portions

Eating smaller, more frequent meals can reduce the risk of reflux. Try serving food on smaller dishes and stopping before you feel full to avoid overeating

6. Choose Non-acidic Fruits

While citrus fruits can exacerbate heartburn, fruits like bananas, melons, and apples are generally well-tolerated. They can be enjoyed on

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