
How to make mushroom hybrids- Alchimia Grow Shop

Magic mushrooms have been used for centuries by various cultures due to their psychedelic and medicinal properties. These mushrooms contain compounds such as psilocybin and psilocin, which produce altered effects on perception, thought, and consciousness. With the advancement of the study of mycology and the rise in the consumption of this type of mushroom in recent years, growers have managed to improve their characteristics through the creation of hybrids.

Mushroom hybridization allows the best characteristics of different varieties to be combined, resulting in more potent, resistant, and fast-growing specimens. This process requires knowledge of fungal reproduction and advanced techniques to ensure that the hybrid mycelium develops correctly. In this article, we invite you to explore with us the fundamentals of mushroom reproduction and the most commonly used techniques to obtain hybrids between different strains with the characteristics desired by the breeder.

Many hybrid strains, such as this Tidal Wave Ape from Mycobag, offer amazing yields

Reproduction of mushrooms

Mushrooms reproduce through spores, which are microscopic seed-like structures. These spores can be released into the air and dispersed to colonize new substrates. Once in a suitable environment, the spores germinate and produce hyphae, cellular filaments that grow and intertwine to form what we know as mycelium. This mycelium can be classified into two types:

  • Monokaryotic mycelium: It is the result of the growth of a single spore and contains a single genetic nucleus. It cannot produce fruiting bodies by itself.
  • Dikaryotic mycelium: It is formed when two compatible spore hyphae meet and fuse their cytoplasms, sharing two nuclei in each cell. This mycelium is the one that can develop fruiting bodies, i.e. mushrooms.

Differences between growing mushrooms with spores or with mycelium

Choosing between growing magic mushrooms from spores or mycelium depends on the grower’s experience and preferences. Spores offer a ground-up experience, while mycelium facilitates faster and more reliable growth. Both options have their advantages and challenges, making this practice a fascinating journey into the world of magic mushrooms.

The life cycle of mushrooms involves several stages: spore germination, mycelium growth, primordia formation, and finally the development of mature fruiting bodies – that is, mushrooms – which will produce new spores to restart the process.

Difference between mushroom hybridization and selection of isolated phenotypes

Mushroom hybridization involves the genetic combination of two different strains to obtain a new organism with the characteristics of both parents. This process can be carried out in several ways: by spore crossing, which is usually the most common option used by home growers, mycelium fusion, or protoplast transfer.

On the other hand, the selection of isolated phenotypes does not imply a genetic combination, but the identification and propagation of specimens with desirable characteristics within the same strain. It is based on the observation of traits such as size, power, growth rate, and resistance to contaminants to select the best individuals and use them in future crops, even in breeding projects. Thus, this technique allows for refining and stabilizing characteristics within a strain without introducing new genetic variability. Of course, it can be very useful for selecting specimens that will later be hybridized with others.

Necessary materials and hybridization methods

To carry out the hybridization of magic mushrooms, it is essential to have the appropriate materials and follow a rigorous protocol. Below, we describe the essential materials and methods used in this process.

Materials needed:

  • Petri dishes with nutrient agar (maltose agar or PDA – potato dextrose agar)
  • Spores of the strains to be hybridized
  • Laminar flow hood or sterile space
  • Scalpel or inoculation loop
  • Microscope (optional, but useful to verify compatibility and/or contamination)
  • Growing substrate (rye, vermiculite, manure, etc.)
  • Incubator or temperature-controlled space

 Normally, spores of the two varieties to be crossed are germinated in a petri dish with nutrient agar so that they form a new hybrid mycelium
Normally, spores of the two varieties to be crossed are germinated in a petri dish with nutrient agar so that they form a new hybrid mycelium

Hybridization methods:

There are various ways to hybridize magic mushrooms, each with its particularities and levels of complexity. These methods seek to facilitate the combination of genetic material between different strains, giving rise to new varieties with, excuse the redundancy, new properties. Some techniques require natural processes, while others involve more controlled procedures in a laboratory.

The choice of the appropriate method will depend on the resources available, the grower’s experience, and the specific objectives of the hybridization. In all cases, it is essential to maintain sterile conditions and carefully monitor mycelial development to ensure a successful cross. Each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages, depending on the level of control you want to exert over the hybridization and the resources available for experimentation. Below we present the 3 most commonly used methods for this purpose.

How to create a mushroom hybrid

As you may know, this hybridization can be achieved through different techniques, each with its advantages and challenges. These techniques allow the combination of genetic material from different strains to obtain new varieties with improved characteristics, such as greater resistance, higher production or more potent effects. Below, we detail the main methods used for mushroom hybridization, explaining how they work and the conditions necessary for their success.

  • Spore crossing: Spores from two different strains are collected and inoculated onto the same nutrient agar plate. The spores germinate and generate hyphae that, upon contact, can fuse if they are compatible. The result is a new hybrid mycelium with mixed characteristics of both parental strains. This method is relatively simple and accessible, although it may require multiple attempts to obtain a successful cross.
  • Mycelial fusion (anastomosis): Mycelial fragments from two different strains are grown on the same Petri dish. As they grow, the hyphae can intertwine and fuse if they are compatible. This method allows hybrids to be obtained in a more controlled manner since the fused mycelium is usually more stable than that obtained by spore crossing. However, compatibility tests are necessary to ensure that true hybridization has occurred.
  • Protoplast transfer: In this advanced process, enzymes are used to remove the cell walls of hyphae to obtain protoplasts, which are naked fungal cells. These protoplasts from different strains are then fused in a specialized medium, allowing the combination of their genetic material without the natural barriers that could prevent hybridization. This method is highly effective, although it requires specialized equipment and advanced knowledge in biotechnology.

Once the new hybrid mycelium has been obtained, it must be cultivated in optimal conditions to evaluate its viability and the characteristics of the resulting mushrooms, such as their potency, growth rate, and resistance to contaminants. Genetic stability tests are also carried out to ensure that the hybrid can reproduce consistently without losing its desired attributes.

 The Penis Envy hybrid strain is one of the most powerful in the world, and you can find it in our store
The Penis Envy hybrid strain is one of the most powerful in the world, and you can find it in our store

As you can see, creating magic mushroom hybrids is a complex process that requires both mycological knowledge and specialized techniques. However, this practice allows for the improvement of existing strains, optimizing their properties for better performance in crops. With the development of new techniques, the potential to create customized varieties with specific effects and desired characteristics continues to grow, representing a fascinating field of research within applied mycology.

Furthermore, genetic improvement of mushrooms can contribute to the study of their therapeutic applications and their potential use in psychedelic medicine. As new ways of manipulating and combining varieties are discovered, hybridization of these types of mushrooms could revolutionize the understanding and application of these species in different scientific, medicinal, and, of course, recreational fields.

Happy harvest!


  • The Psilocybin Mushroom Bible, Virginia Haze, Dr. K. Mandrake
  • Mushroom hybridization, Steve Lodder, Ph.D., Chris Robles, Maykoe Abaunza
  • Breeding in mushrooms: A review, Somveer, Shivam Singh, Enuganti Nikhil Rao, Lalit Tejra, Peddagoud Devi Maruthi, Rishika Borah
  • Genetic Aspects and Strategies for Obtaining Hybrids, Manjit Singh, Shwet Kamal

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